Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday- Acts 1

Click here for today's reading, Acts 1.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

1:8a "But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about me everywhere...."

All too often we can underestimate that "power" part. I mean this is where true excitement can take over for nervousness, where his strength replaces our weakness, where his plan replaces ours, where His POWER replaces our ABSOLUTE NOTHINGINGNESS! (dibbs on that new word too) Where we become fully equipted to do everything he has laid out for us to do!

Why then do I still trip if things get a little uncomfortable? I pray that I rest in the assurance that by the power of the Holy Spirit I have EVERYTHING I need to be everything I was made to be! And how could that not come with an overwhelming peace of mind!

1:11b Jesus has been taken away from you into heaven. And someday, just as you saw him go, he will return!"

I think a lot of the time we can, or at least I know I can, think how lucky the disciples were to be with him the way they were. But then it's even more AMAZING, after I really think about it, how so long after He was crucified, died and rose we STILL get to be with him the way we are! And WOW, what it must have been like to watch him be taken up into heaven! I mean that had to be a sight, but then I think hold on a minute, it is possible that I could get to see him return!

I wonder if way back then they ever thought how lucky the people who get to see him return would be? Whether or not he returns while I'm limping around this earth or not, it is an amazing promise that "just as you saw him go, he will return!"