Wednesday, February 6, 2008

21 Day Challenge

Welcome to Rockway Church's 21 Day Challenge- Rooted21. Experts say that if you do something for 21 days in a row, then it will likely become a habit. Our hope is that our church will be full of compassionate lovers of Jesus Christ who are well grounded, or rooted, in God's Word. Feel free to join us as we journey together through the book of John. Today marks the beginning of Rooted21. To check out today's passage, click here.

dayONE- John 1


Jeremy Adams said...

1:12-13 Yet to all who receive him, to those who beleived in his name, he gave the right to become children of God- children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or husbands will, but born of God.

I know I have so much growing to do & it's not like I don't know tht God loves me or even appreciate the fact that he loves me; but I have been wondering why the many, many verses like that one don't bring joyful tears streaming down my cheeks yet. I do pray to fall deeper in love with God & I do admit to sometimes being discouraged that it still feels like I don't love him enough! Not that I ever could, but it's just simply a knowing, in my heart, that I should love him more. That's what I hope to let the Lord bless me with accomplishing through this; FALLING HEAD OVER HEALS(not that I wear heals){I promise}, MADLY IN LOVE WITH HIM & ALL HIS GLORY!

Not that it would be "my" accomplishment, but wanting to "FALL" in that way has been on my heart for awhile. So of course that is what I hope He accomplishes in me during our 21 Day Challenge."

Unknown said...

Okay not sure how to begin.

John 1:4-5

4In him was life, and that life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood

Jesus is life and that life was light. A light can't be hidden, is that light shining in me. When people see me do they see Jesus.

There is greeting I used to hear a lot and I see people sign off with it, be the moon, the rest of that is reflect the Son. Am I a reflection of God's love to the world? I have a lot of praying and thinking to do and this is only day 1.


Kristy said...

How cool is that? I haven't had the opportunity to read the passage for today, but this morning at work in our daily "huddle" we read a devotional that just really is not a coincidence and shows how awesome our God truly is!

The title for February 11th is "The Kinds of Habits to Make (or Break!)" This is derived from the book "Hugs, Daily Inspirations for Women." Just to quote a small part of the devotional for today, "The Roman poet Henri Frederic Amiel advised, 'To learn new habits is everything, for it is to reach the substance of life. Life is but a tissue of habits.' So here's a word to the wise: if you want to improve your life, improve your habits."

It was a pleasure to share about the 21 Day Challenge at work today. I look forward to getting home so I can begin reading the passage for today!

Barnett Family said...

We read the first day of Rooted21 together as family after dinner. (Yes, we eat dinner early due to our schedules)

Lets start out simple: John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God."

As a family our goal is to dig into the Word "together" on a regular basis and daily indvidually. By coming together as a family, we can teach our children of His Word and of His great love.

Indvidually our goal is to become dependent on Him. Rather than question if He can handle anything, give everything to Him in faith and love.

"The Word was with God and the Word was God." Once we are able to grasp that concept, it is then that we can truly begin to understand the greatness of a deep relationship with the Lord. This is the challenge set before us.... will we open our eyes and hearts to Him through His Word?

Danna said...

Hello All-
A lot of things came to my mind as I read this passage tonight.

Vs 10- He was rejected - How did He feel? How does He feel when I "reject" Him? When I watch TV instead of reading His word. When I play with my Balckberry instead of kneeling to pray? When I offer "sound" advice to a friend or coworker that doesn't include Him?

Vs 3 - Nothing was made that He didn't make - hello!! That means me! But I get so caught up in Danna that I forget where I came from. What is my mission, my purpose? Not to bring glory to me, but to bring glory to Him, through EVERYTHING I do.

I am praying for forgiveness because I have neglected, forgotten, put aside not only God's word, but alot of days God Himself. I get in the car and go to work, leaving Him here to hang out until I get back. I know better than that.

God has so richly blessed me with 4great kids, the most wonderful husband, a great job, a nice house, a super family and I take it for granted, rarely remembering to thank Him for these things.

Father, thank you for my salvation, for forgiveness, for Rockway and Rooted21. Please do a miraculous work in me! I give you my life, all of it!

Let Jesus stick out all over!

I love you guys!!!

Waiting said...

Jess and I just read the passage together and a few things stood out to us:
- v 38- the question, "What do you want?" and the response, "Where are you staying?" seems strange. A few thoughts about it: God wants us to tell him what we want. And, even though our words seem trite or irrelevant, God knows our heart. He sees the message behind it. It appears that the 2 disciples (we are told that one of them was Andrew) wanted more than just a brief conversation with Jesus. They wanted some time to hang out with him and time to figure him out. To which Jesus gives them all day. Many believe they had a slumber party!
- We wonder if the disciples knew their future if they would have followed Jesus. If it's true that just a few seconds before you die, your whole life flashes before your eyes- one wonders if the day that we are told about in John 1 flashed through Peter's mind before he was crucified upside down for his friend and savior Jesus. It's pretty special when your brother introduces you to Jesus. I wonder if Peter was always grateful for that, and if he told Andrew "thank you" on many occasions.
- We hope to bring many out of the darkness and into the light as John talks about. We hope to be like Andrew and Philip- to bring someone to Jesus- "Come and see," Philip told Nathanael.
- In this together with you.
Kyle & Jess

Sarah said...

So many times I find it hard to just simply Trust! I want to know the answers - I want to know God's plan NOW! - but I know that to just trust is what Jesus wants from me. I read in John 1 and I am amazed at the trust that the first disciples had - Jesus simply said come and see - they did - and they followed. No questions asked - Jesus didn't have to give a 10 point plan of why they should leave everything they know and follow Him - He simply said "come and see" They did - they surrendered. I want that! I want to surrender more - to Trust - no questions asked! The disciples didn't need answers - they had no idea what following would mean - the joy or the heartache they would encounter. They just knew this man Jesus was worth following. I know that too. As I daily come and see, help me trust you more Jesus!

Anonymous said...

2:17b "Passion for God's house burns within me."

Does a passion for God's house burn within me? Absolutely! But are there still some areas of my life Jesus would like to come in and flip over upside down and drive out? I would have to say yes. And I pray that any of these "rough edges" be exposed & removed. I am so grateful to have been lifted out of my major life struggles & now look to the Lord to keep on chipping away at "Jeremy!"

2:24 But Jesus didn't trust them because he kenw what people were really like.

At first I read that and just thought, "Man that must have sucked, having Jesus not trust you." But then I thought, "Wait a minute...(yeah, my mind works that slow! :) ...Can He trust me?" I thought of all He has put in my life and how much of it I have messed up. And that, of course, leaves me overwhelmed with not wanting to mess up anything else!

It sounds wierd, but I am so grateful for the convictions we get just from the thoughts & memories of our disobedience & mistakes!

There are a lot of opportunities around me to be used to point others to God. Not only friends & loved ones who don't know Christ, but people in general. For the time being I work in a heavily populated factory. I want to be TRUSTED. That He could send any of them my way at any time!

chippin' away,

Jeremy Adams said...

And to be trusted to be sent to them as well! (I ended that last one on a "lazy" note!)

Taylor Croft said...

Wow, I know this a bit late, but I still wanted to post. It is really interesting reading what God says to people when they read. Anyway.

I have always loved John 1:1. Jesus created the earth and everything on it or around it. He created EVERYTHING! Also, the fact that it pounds the point that he is God, but it also differentiates the fact that he is not the Father(by saying the "Word was with God").

How would it be to have prepared the way for Jesus coming. John had a truly incredible duty that was given to him. He prepared the way for The Christ. He did not know what The Messiah would look like, but knew a spirit like a dove would descend from heaven upon the Christ. Basically, John was responsible to introduce Jesus as The Christ. That is a load of responsibility.

At first when I was thinking of this I was thinking, could I do this, and then I realized many of us do this every week. Some people have the opportunity at work, and many of us share about Jesus at church. I know this is not quite the same, but it can make the same difference in people's lives and their eternity.

If someone walked up to me and said your name is now Cephas(or any other name), I would be like--haha, or say "are you crazy." I wonder what Peter was thinking. Peter means "rock," which he was not at first, but he sure became a great foundation for the Church.

Eric said...

John was “dispatched” by someone who it seems was a real person.

John 1:33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’

This person spoke to John real words with a real proof for John to see. Did John have a vision and was dispatched by God to be the “Voice” of Elijah, or was there someone who was a prophet to the Prophet John? John and Jesus were related (Luke 1:36), but John was clueless that his relative was the Christ until John saw the Spirit descend upon Jesus and the prophetic words that were spoken to him were fulfilled. What a revelation that must have been to him; seeing the Spirit of God and seeing the Christ!