Saturday, February 16, 2008


Okay peeps, our apologies for not posting Day 6's reading. Jonathan and I (along with 4 others from Rockway) were busy worshipping God with 6,000 other peeps at the Nokia Center today. We joined in on a movement among college students called "Passion" and you can check it out by clicking here
We just got in, so here is today's reading- John 6. Enjoy, my friends and I will see you in the morning.


Jeremy Adams said...

6:66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

Even though a little earlier we read that he already knew who would desert him, I still imagine this probably hurt him to see them walk away from him! I mean a little later we will read that just before being crucified Jesus said he was crushed with grief to the point of death; and he knew that was around the corner too, as well as why it was! So I think it's possible to say when he watched these people jump ship, he might have paused and felt like a Father whose kids had just said, "We don't love you, we're moving out!"

And the way I have been on board(or so I thought) and then not, and then back on (so I thought) & not, etc... in my past probably hit him the same way. And even though that may be behind me now! (Finally!) I still find myself crushed by this verse and the fact that I have been one of those people on more than one occasion! And even though I've gone through the asking for forgiveness with Him, I still just feel so very sorry that I could ever have made Him feel that way!

I pray that this overwhelming, power of God racing through me, feeling I've been blessed with NEVER fades! That I never show even the slightest bit of a clue that the "Old Jeremy" is still in there at all! I pray that this feeling burns, and burns, and burns, and burns, and burns, and burns..................! A foolish prayer some might think, the thought that I won't ever burnout; but I'm going to pray it anyway! And I'm going to pray it, and pray it, and pray it, and pray it....................!

I know that the Lord provides for us to in times where we just don't have a clue how He does it, but I can't imagine the wave of amazement that circulated through that crowd of families where as, out of a plate of 2 small fish and 5 small loaves of bread, (no more than a #2 combo at Long John Silver's) Jesus just kept pulling out more, and pulling out more, and pulling out more, and so on. And if that wasn't enough, it says they picked up 12 baskets of left over bread. That was far more than they even started with! I mean I've seen little kids get excited when a clown just keeps pulling out handkerchief after handkerchief from his sleeve(okay I get pretty stoked too) but this had to have been an incredible scene!

But then later on Jesus confronts them because these people aren't following him because they want him to lead them right on into heaven, they were following Him because they saw Him as more of an "On the Go Buffet in Sandals!" And that makes me wonder, how is that any different from the amazing ways he has came through for me and then I just turn around and act as if I have just taken the way he provides for granted?

I pray that I NEVER again take for granted anything the Lord does! That I NEVER try to make Him out to be less than the Amazing God that He is!

And pray it, & pray it, & pray it,

Eric said...

Who knows how many people have looked for the “Fountain of Youth”, or the “Holy Grail” or for some way to extend life but they will never find it because it has to be given to you; John 6:65 “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.” To think that I myself will live forever because God has given me the “Bread of Life” and that any other quest for eternal life in this body is useless - is restful. To realize my quest is over and I can enjoy eternal life every day starting today and going on forever – is beautiful. I have that feeling I had when I was younger with my whole life ahead of me, and life was an adventure – every day. I will spend forever with God and more and more every day I want that life with Him here and now. I don’t want to wait until I get to Heaven to enjoy that life because Heaven in God’s Spirit already lives in me for real.

Danna said...

Jeremy and Eric-WOW!

To think that I worry about tomorrow and even today is really silly. God knows my needs, long before I do. When I think back over my life and the messes I got myself into and realize that God was there, providing and working, even when I wasn't on board with Him is simply amazing. I am His child and He loves me and cares for me, no matter what. Even when I turn my back and walk away, He waits patiently for my return!

I went through a period of time when I didn't know how I would feed my kids, but God always came through. The loaves and fishes never ran out.

I was so blessed then and am so blessed today.

Father-Help me to share your blessings with everyone. Make yourself real in me so people will desire you too!

Unknown said...

John 6:5-9

5 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" 6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.
7 Philip answered him, "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"
8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 9 "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"

Jesus asked Philip where to buy bread not how much bread would cost. Jesus asked where and Philip answered with how much.

How many times has God told me to go and I ask him how much is this gonna cost me? Is this gonna take me out of my comfort zone? Ya know God I am not ready to step out of my comfort zone. You want me to go where? You must kidding God? Right God? What would I say?

God gave all he had for me, he gave his very best. He gave his one and only son to die for my sins.

Yet, here I sit still making excuses. It is cold outside; I will talk to my neighbors when the weather is better. I really would like to visit people in the hospital but you know God hospitals have sick people.

What would it look like for me to give my best to God on a daily basis? Even on the days I don't feel like it.

I am sure Jesus didn't feel like being hung on a cross.

Thanks again for not loving me like I love you, for always being there for me. Help me to give my best to you in everything, even the little things. I ask this in Christ name.
