Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Click here for today's reading, John 9. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

John 9:3 - "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.

No matter what kind if situation we find ourself in, God wants to use it to bring Glory to Himself!

Jeremy Adams said...

9:6 Having said this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man's eyes.

Anyone have a mom or a grandmother who would lick their thumb and then wipe something off of you with it? You really find out how strong a woman can be when you try to squirm away only to get yanked back quick with her "snatching ninja grabbing" ability! 9:6 doesn't make that thumb seem so bad now! :)

Isn't it awesome how God can use the least expected things, people or circumstances to get our attention?

9:25b "...I was blind but now I see!"

Its pretty cool how verses like this seem almost corny until it hits home. Thank you Jesus that I can appreciate that now!

Waiting said...

I read it last night and then went to sleep, so here are my thoughts on yesterday's reading.
I found verse 34 to be really sad. "To this they replied, 'You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!' And they threw him out."
I am so glad that God does not operate by our standards. I am really really really glad. And I hope that I never have the same attitude as the Pharisees- that someone that I perceive as being "steeped in sin" could never point me to God. God uses the foolish to shame the wise.
The other thing that gripped me from John 9 was the interaction at the end of the chapter between Jesus and the man born blind (now with sight). Talk about an emotional day! To have just received his sight, and then to be face to face with the Creator of the universe. Wow! The emotions that must have flooded and overwhelmed him.
"Jesus said, 'You have now seen him; in fact, he is the one speaking with you.'" 9:37

Danna said...

9:6 Having said this, he spit on the ground.............
9:7 ....So the man went and washed and came home seeing.

Does it matter WHAT comes out of the mouth of God??? Whatever comes from his mouth can open eyes!

AMAZING!! Thank you God for opening my eyes over and over and over and over and over!!!!!!! Thank you using my brothers and sister who leave their comments here that open my eyes!

Unknown said...

John 9:4
4 As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

Deep breath as long as it is day we are to do God’s work. I have a tendency to compartmentalize my day. I make lists I love lists. I can check off what I have done. I have things I do for the house, things I do for work, for my husband, for church. Instead of God being weaved into every part of my life I compartmentalize the parts of my life I give to God.

We sang a song on Sunday part of the chorus is wholly surrendered. I have never in my life wholly surrendered to anything. I have been thinking about that a lot what it means to be wholly surrendered. I looked it up.
1 : to the full or entire extent : COMPLETELY a wholly owned subsidiary 2 : to the exclusion of other things : SOLELY a book dealing wholly with herbs

transitive verb1 a: to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand surrendered the fort b: to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another2 a: to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner b: to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)intransitive verb: to give oneself up into the power of another : YIELD

Okay so I am kinda a nerd like that but did you get it. To completely give oneself up into the power of another.

I agree with the blind man in this chapter. I was blind but now I see. I want my life to be wholly surrendered to God. I want him to be my first thought before I say or do anything. I have learned the key to being fully surrendered is to be in contact with who I am surrendering too. I need to be in prayer a lot but I also need to be in God’s word a lot. Through this rooted 21 process I have actually sat still long enough to hear God speak to me. The words on the pages of my Bible have come alive. I have a bad habit of studying the Bible for information. I want to answer the question right. In this process there is no questions no right answer, just reflect and respond. Spending time thinking about God’s word and letting it really sink in. Letting his words become a part of me. It is a lot easier to do the right thing when I am faced with a situation when a scripture pops into my head something that I read has become alive and relevant to what is happening right now in my life.
Thank you Jesus for putting people in my life that are willing to help me on this journey. Thank you for knowing what I need before I need it. Thank you for humbling my heart and never giving up on me.

Eric said...

People want to gloss over the idea that a “sinless” baby could be born with a judgment of God on them but the Disciples of Jesus and the Pharisees seemed to say just this in John 9:1 and :34. Jesus doesn’t dismiss the possibility of this in all situations but explains that in this particular instance the infirmity was to in the end display the glory (in the grace) of God. I can relate to this because I was a bad kid raised in a horrible situation and though I didn’t have an outward infirmity like the blind man I was crippled and doomed to fail because of my situation. God took pity on one of the “weak things” of the world when He chose me to be with Him for all eternity and looking back it makes it all worth it…SOO worth it. Even a small child or a “sinless” baby REQUIRES the blood of Jesus to make them truly sinless because we are “steeped in sin from birth” and absolutely no one will be saved apart from Jesus (John 14:6) So the child of David and Bathsheba died because of the sin of David, (2 Samuel 12:15, 22) and I was led down a path of sorrow and sin because of my situation BUT WE BOTH received salvation from God because it was His desire and for the display of His glorious grace! Someday God will cast sinners into the Lake of Fire AGAINST THEIR WILL; so we know at least at that time God’s sovereign decision will be superior to man’s and you would be hard pressed to prove otherwise for the rest of a man’s life when you realize that from the cradle to the grave our God reigns!