Friday, February 22, 2008


Click here for today's reading, John 12.


Jeremy Adams said...

Do you think a perfume called "Nard" would be very marketable today? Sounds like Larry the Cable Guy would be a lock for that ad!

12:27 "Now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? 'Father save me from this hour'? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father glorify your name!"

I need to be more like Jesus in this way; and when things hit just pray, "Father glorify your name!" He knows the details of my hearts desires already, so I pray that I can be more like, "Okay God, take this and bring glory to your name out of it!"

On a much, much smaller scale; Isn't it awesome to look back and think of some of the hard times that we've been through and be able to KNOW now why! We may not always get the benefit ahead of time of having our eyes open to
Him being glorified through things we go through, but if we're paying attention a lot of the time we can afterwards!

It's Friday and it's only 10:30(ish) and I can't keep my eyes open! What a lightweight, huh?


Danna said...

42 Yet at the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43 for they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
OUCH!!!! Watch the toes!! I am afraid I am much like these leaders. How many times have I NOT confessed my faith because I didn’t know what people would think or because I love the praise of people more?? I admit it is nice to be praised by those around you, but isn’t it better to be praised by God?? To me, God’s praises come in the form of blessings.
Prime example – my husband bought me a new car! When I tell people about, I do just that. I tell them my husband bought me a new car. Isn’t he wonderful? He’s the best husband in the whole world. And I stop there. Why not tell the rest of the story. Why not tell how we are going to pay for this car? We are going to pay for this car by working at the jobs God blessed us with. The jobs that at times are overwhelming, frustrating, demanding and stressful. The jobs where we manage, organize, oversee and communicate using the talents and gifts God has blessed us with. I have been blessed with Christian bosses and God has given me many opportunities to witness and pray with my staff. Why not use every opportunity to shout from the mountain tops what God has done for me? Instead, I let the blessings in my life be about me. My husband would appreciate my using his gift to me to glorify God. Shame on me. What if Jesus had shown this same attitude? Where would we be today?
I confess to my Rockway family that I often times do enjoy the praises of men more than I enjoy the praises of God. I ask forgiveness and ask that my Rockway family help me to remove these grave clothes of selfishness!
God, thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for all the blessing in my life from my car, to my job, to my family, to my church and for giving up your son for me!