Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Click here for today's reading, John 2.


Unknown said...

John 2:25

25 He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man.

I read that and thought wow. Jesus doesn't need me but I need him and he knows me. He knows my heart because he created me. I have read scriptures about how he knows the hair on my head. I really thought big deal so does my stylist but my heart. I don't trust just any one with my heart. I protect my heart, it has been broken, brusied, crushed, used, used a lot and some of the pieces are missing. I can't afford to lose any more of my heart. I have to really know you and trust you to show my heart.
So who is this Jesus who knows my heart, does he know the dark parts, surely not I don't show those to any one. I have this fear and I have been proved wrong about it a lot at Rockway but I have this fear that if people could really see all of my heart that they wouldn't like it, that they wouldn't like me. This Jesus knows my heart even the dark parts. What is really cool, is when I take those dark parts to him and lay them at his feet, he shines his light in them and they are not dark any more.

Thank you God,
for the gift of your Son. Thank you for loving me and leading me to a place where your love flows freely. I pray that I can show people your love and your light. That others can find the healing and the peace I have found in you. I want to thank you for the staff at Rockway. I want to lift up our leadership to you. Bless them so they can continue to be a blessing to others. I love you God
and I pray that your Spirit will guide my thoughts and my actions today.
in Christ name Amen.

Danna said...

Oh my Gosh phrognut- that is all so true. That verse stuck out to me too! I feel the same way. I have so much junk and baggage that if people really knew me, they wouldn't even let me straighten the chairs for Sunday morning! I have a very difficult time trusting. I have a very difficult time letting people know me. I feel like I have to be someone I'm not. I've been through so much in my life, but thank God, it's all for His glory. He uses stuff in my life to minister to other people. He knows me and he still loves me and that is all that matters. In Him there is no darkness only light!!

I pray for His eyes to see others with. I am so thankful for a church that sees beyond my faults and loves me anyway. It really doesn't matter where I've been, but where I'm going!

Father, another day to live for you! Again today, I give you my life to do with as you see fit. Not my will but yours!

Love you all!

Jessica said...

As I read this passage, the part that stood out to me was Jesus turning the water into wine. Jesus took an embarrassing and worrisome situation for the host and turned it into a beautiful outcome.

He does this so often in our lives. He's done this so often in my own life. Which makes me wonder...

why do I ever doubt Him?

Eric said...

16 To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!" Jesus was angry, but in the middle of His anger He didn't overturn the dove cages. They may have been so stable that Jesus couldn't overturn the cages but I doubt that. In the middle of His anger Jesus had compassion on the doves; I hope to have that compassion when I am angry at the people I love who are more valuable than many doves:)