Friday, February 15, 2008


Click here for today's reading, John 5.


Unknown said...

John 5:5

5 One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.
I know of all the verses to stand out to me, why this one? The man had been an invalid for 38 years. I wonder if he had lost all hope of God hearing his prayers. For 38 years he laid there hoping that he would be healed but there was no one there to help him. He had no friends, no mat carriers or roof crashers yet God still found him. After 38 years his prayers were answered. I wonder if he had given up on God. I wondered how many prayers had I given up on? Did I quit praying because God didn't answer my prayers in my time frame?
Thank you for being faithful to me even when I have given up on you. Help to finish the race you have put before me.
In Christ name amen.


Jeremy Adams said...

5:44 How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?

Since I can remember I have been one of those; have to be the center of attention kind of guys. Even well into my late 20's I have struggled with that "class clown" sticking its head out a little too often at times! All for that hunger for the attention that comes from making people laugh. It used to be just as bad in sports until I woke up one morning and all athletic ability had vanished! POOF!

But thinking back over all the memories of me in the spotlight none can compare to early childhood memories of my dad praising me for this, or that; or even overhearing him tell someone else about how proud he was of something I had done. I mean that will pump the chest out on the skinniest of little birdchest boys!

I pray that I somehow keep that in mind with every step I take.
That I would ask myself constantly, "Am I carrying myself or representing His Kingdom in a way that would make him want to lean in and tell somebody, 'Hey, have you seen what Jeremy's been up to? He sure has been glorifying me.........."

Well you get it, I pray that I become more & more concerned with honoring God & less & less wrapped up in being the center of attention of those around me.

For you guys that were there at Passion tonight, I was very much that guy Louie was talking about, the "me,me,me,me,me" guy!

I was so grateful to have gotten the opportunity to go and can't wait 'til tomorrow,


Waiting said...

2 Things.
I think I would have soiled my britches if Jesus approached me at the Temple and told me "Stop sinning or something really bad is going to happen to you." v 14
Jesus' question "Do you want to get well?" strikes me as being odd. Sometimes people want to remain in their broken state- not really interested in healing because that could complicate things and cause them to change their life that they have become so well accustomed to. I hope I have the perception to see when I am blind, lame, or paralyzed. "I want to be well, Jesus, as long as you receive glory for it."

Danna said...

5:6 - "Do you want to get well" I wonder why Jesus asked the man this. What did He think the man would say? It's like asking a child if he wants a spanking. You know the answer.

The next verse, I thought was interesting. "Sir," the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." To me, this is an excuse. Some people don't want to be able to walk because they may be asked to run! What is God asking my to do that I am making an excuse for?

Father - Help me to hear your call and to respond positively and immediately!


Eric said...

Jesus sure doesn’t pull any punches does He; in John 5:14 Jesus tells the man to stop sinning or something worse might happen to him. I would be Soo frightened by that; something WORSE than 38 years on a mat!? There must have been a particular sin Jesus was inferring… We can’t wholly and completing stop sinning. I wonder what sins you can do from a mat? Actually the more idle time we have the more temptation to sin..

Anonymous said...

Kyle, Thank you for caring about us as a church. This 21 day challenge is exactly what I need. The more I learn, the more I understand the need for a daily relationship with God. Having a casual relationship with the Lord like I had, can be dangerous. I know right from wrong, ask when I need, ignore when I don't, claim to have a relationship. Most of my knowledge came from my earth angel( MOM ). I ignored her saying; Everyone must read, and decide for theirselves where the truth lies. The rooted21 challenge, and The Rockway Band of Bloggers give me extra incentive, focus, and accountability. If I don't know his will, how then can I please him? Read his word, learn from it, share in it, and walk in it. I pray that I will recgonize what God places in front of me. I pray I will become dependant on his word for every decision, everyday.
Rockway has been so good for me. It's about living the truth. That's the only version I want.
I love you guys,
Rootedforlife.....james edwards
There's only one #1, and it ain't me