Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday- Proverbs 29

Saturday's Reading- Proverbs 27
Sunday's Reading- Proverbs 28
Monday's Reading- Proverbs 29

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

27:17 As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.

I'll go ahead and apologize now to anyone who feels like they have been bouncin off a dull blade when it comes to me! :) Look at it this way, I'm sharper than I used to be and I'm only gettin sharper! Thanks to a lot of people who are surrendered to being used in very special ways for the Glory of God!


28:1 The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.

I can remember that coward in me far to well. But its also kind of a blessing to be able to look back and see so clearly how pathetic it was to live in such a paranoid state of shame! And how incredible is it to now be filled with the power of God and able to stand firm against whatever comes our way!

28:2 When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But with wise and knowledgable leaders, there is stability.

This leaves me wondering if the way our country continues to pretend to not shut Christianity out by welcoming more and more "moral rot" comfortably; how far away is the toppling? Is it already starting? A country formed on Christian morals that from the top seems to want to silence everything it was built on has to fall under "moral rot," doesn't it. Am I one of those Anti-Americans? No, not wanting to live anywhere else doesn't bind me to not pray for a change! And that change will take a whole lot of "bold lions" (verse 1) and pushing for wise and knowledgable leaders. And I have to admit I can at times fall into the trap of thinking it doesn't matter, that it is too late! Looking at politicians, with election time around the corner, it is very easy to think, they are all crooked and have selfish agendas! I certainly wouldn't be the only one who falls into that one, its not like they make it hard! I confess that I need to do a better job of praying for the right leaders to be appointed to save our country from the toppling it seems to want to flirt with. (As well as do my part in voting)


29:3 The man who loves wisdom brings joy to his father, but if he hangs around with prostitutes his wealth is wasted.

"Wasted," that's exactly what I felt like when I was living for this world! Like what I was made for was being flushed away! But I am thankful now that on the other side of all of that, it leaves me more determined to be everything He created me to be!