Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April is Proverbs Month!

Click here for Proverbs 1- which was Monday's reading. Click here for today's reading, Proverbs 2.


Jeremy Adams said...

1:19 Such is the end of all who go after ill gotten gain; it takes away the lives of those who get it.

You have no idea how this verse gets me thinking about me and my job! I ask my self hundreds of questions everyday about why I am there? I pray and pray and pray for direction as well as the right timing to make a change that feels so guaranteed in my heart eventually anyways! When I hired on with Delphi (GM) eight and a half years ago it was all about the money, money, money! Now that I am blessed with a new heart with a whole new purpose it really contradicts everything that goes on inside there and leaves me wondering why I am still there.

This gives a little more insight into a struggle I've mentioned a few times on our Rooted page, and explains in a little more detail why it is that I battle with not wanting to be there, but knowing I need to appreciate it more, etc....

The big test is that they are offering buy-outs at my factory and I am currently looking to God for guidance on what to do. Is it time to go? Does He have more for me to do there? Is this where I step out on faith? I know in my heart that He has something else in store for me, I know there will be a time where I have to step out on faith; but is this it? I don't want to take a single step that He doesn't direct, especially considering that this not only effects my future, but also my kids! And if I do take a step onto a path He hasn't lit up for me than wouldn't that make it for "ill gotten gain"? This is a crucial decision by human thinking, but if I am to believe that our God will provide every need along the path He leads me down; then as long as I get that conformation by the leading of the Holy Spirit it will be made with certain peace!

1:31 they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.

Still on the same topic, this makes me feel all the more focussed on being certain that I do exactly what God wants me do. He knows my heart and the things I desire to be used for Him to accomplish, I just pray that I keep my eyes and heart open to what HE WANTS to use me to accomplish for Him!!!!! So that I don't get caught chomping on some bitter fruit!!!!

2:11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you.

2:9 He shows how to distinguish right from wrong, how to find the right decision every time.

I will continue to look to God for the right decision, but I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to keep my situation in your prayers from time to time. Walking away from a job many would love to have isn't exactly understood by very many so trust me when I tell you that this is only a summary of my feelings lined up with some scripture that brought them out. Just pray that my eyes, ears and heart be opened up to exactly what the right decision is!!!!!

Thank you, and nothing but love for ya,

Waiting said...

Thanks for sharing, Jeremy. Keep us updated. I want to be faithful in my prayers for you, friend.