Monday, April 7, 2008

Monday- Proverbs 8

Click here for today's reading, Proverbs 8.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

8:11 for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

NOTHING!!! It doesn't say most things, or some, it says NOTHING; which would claim each and every single one of our desires. This just leaves me asking myself if any of my desires ever get in the way of growing in faith? I pray that they don't! I spend more time in the Word than ever, but I will admit that there are a few things that can make it challenging to say it is desired more than anything! I pray now more than ever, but there again there are desires that I allow at times to interfere.(sp?)

This places a desire in me to become more surrendered every day than the day before. To let less and less interference disrupt what God has in store for me!

Not because it makes me better than someone who doesn't, but because I don't want to miss out on ANY of the amazing gifts God wants so badly for me to be wrapped up in!

Nighty, night,