Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday- Proverbs 18

Click here for today's reading, Proverbs 18.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

18:9 A lazy person is as bad as someone who destroys things.

Even knowing the Bible tells us that we are either for or against, it's still pretty encouraging to read verses like this. It can also be a swift kick in the butt to you if you're kind of stuck in a "letting it come to me" mode; which can be pretty dangerous leaving you exposed like a sitting duck without you even realizing it!

18:14 The human spirit can endure a sick body, but who can bear it if the sirit is crushed?

I don't claim to be the brightest crayon in the box so a lot of times I question how things come across to me. This would be one of those. To me this sheds a little light on a question about how my grandmother could be fading away in a nursing home. She could not have been a brighter light for the Kingdom of God for me, and I don't even have a single memmory of her that doesn't point me to the Lord. And knowing that God didn't give her alzheimers(sp?) and He certainly didn't assign the swelling to her body; and in a way that is beyond my understanding through that cloudy look in her eyes, somewhere inside HER SPIRIT IS NOT BROKE! It sounds really wierd but I like to think, even though we can't hear her, somewhere in there she is still belting out those same songs of praise she used to whistle, hum and sing all around the house.

This is off subject a little, but it's a cool story, so I'm going to share it anyway. My grandmother was such a Godly influence from the get-go that when I was about 3, or so, we used to live below them and I used to get up dress myself in mismatched clothes sneak upstairs and she and I would eat a lil breakfast and sing "Jesus" songs all morning!(can't remember what they were) That story may not sound so special to anyone else but some of my favorite memmories are of her telling people that story. And to this day I get some of those tears of appreciation that the Lord put someone like her in my life every time I tell that story!

So to me this verse makes me feel even better about the fact that not even Alzheimers could silence the heart God placed in her!