Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wednesday- Proverbs 10

Click here for today's reading, Proverbs 10.


Anonymous said...

Hey man you put chapter 8 on two days in a row before you went to 9, today is 10!

Jeremy Adams said...

10:3a The Lord will not let the godly starve to death.

10:4b a youth who sleeps away the hour of opportunity brings shame.

10:9 People with integrity have firm footing, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.

Verse 3 is reassuring that when the time comes for me to step out the Lord WILL provide! That doesn't excuse me from being smart, but it does give a certain peace of mind to know that as I wait patiently for that door to open, I don't have to be afraid when it does.

The second part of verse 5 really keeps me motivated to not be so wrapped up in waiting for that door to open that I miss everything the Lord has placed under my nose right now. And also that if and when that door does open to not delay in taking the path on the other side of it!

Verse 9 is ANOTHER one to keep me grounded in being absolutely sure that my heart is listening for His direction and not rushing down one of those slippery paths!

These verses just add to the many lately I find myself clinging to as I continue to look to our Lord for the right decisions on some things that have to do with so much more than just me!