Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday- Proverbs 30

Click here for today's reading, Proverbs 30.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

30:20 Equally amazing is how an adulterous woman can satisfy her sexual apetite, shrug her shoulders, and then say, "What's wrong with that?"

This verse kind of has me remembering some of my excuses of how I would try my hardest to justify some of the stupidest things I've done! We can make up some whoppers to ourselves when we don't want to let something or someone go!

And this woman in the example in this verse may not have really believed anything was wrong with it, but that isn't the point. Whether it be a set in stone part of your core beliefs or something you tell "yourself" to try to convince "yourself"; it is being "said" to a whole lot more than just "yourself" and that causes an equally damaging effect on those around us!

Thank you Jesus for the repentant heart you put inside us that brings a certain conviction with it when it comes to things we shouldn't be doing. A conviction that doesn't allow us to shrug our shoulders and openly defy you. But Lord I ask that you keep my eyes and heart open and strong; to not fall into that equally damaging trap of trying to lie to myself to justify any kind of temptation to sin that may EVER come along!