Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday- 1 Timothy 6

Click here for today's reading, 1 Timothy 6.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

6:20 Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care.

What all falls into the catagory, "entrusted to my care?" Aside from money which I have used foolishly my whole life, until recently, what all exactly does that consist of and do I keep them guarded? I mentioned my job; I have already confessed I have been missing out there! My kids? Friends? Family? How about things placed on my heart that I am to be used for?

Another one of my Bibles puts it like this,
don't fail to do these thins that God entrused to you.

Honestly I have some things put on my heart that give me a certainty of some major "stepping out on faith" ahead of me. And when I get impatient with not being able to jump into that yet I should take a hard look at how faithful I'm being with all that has been entrusted to me now! Just like the story of the talents, where we learn that to those who are faithful with what they have more will be given. And if I'm not being faithfull with what I'm entrused with now why in the world do I feel like I can even think about what's ahead. It's like I'm delaying it by not concentrating on the now. The biggest of these struggles is by far my job, but I probably could glorify God more in just about everything and I pray that I do. That I wholeheartedly glorify God in all areas of my life, and I bet when the time comes for me to "step out", God will have better prepared me for what's ahead. I continue to pray that I could be done wasting time and let my life be all about our amazing loving God!

Is it just me or am turning into the Nelly of bloggers? Every one of his songs sound the same and these are starting to feel like that to. I apologize if that bugs anyone, but God is obviously focusing me here until I get it!