Thursday, March 6, 2008


Click here for today's reading, Ephesians 4.


Waiting said...

As I read through this book, I get caught up- It's almost too much for my body to handle. I feel the Spirit of God leaping inside of me as I read words that I have longed to hear since I was born. When I read things like I was dead and now I am alive or that Jesus Christ himself is my peace and that he came so that I can have peace, I am his workmanship, his masterpiece, his handiwork, and I am a member of his household. I have to admit, I am still caught up in chapter 2.- Ephesians is AWESOME. If this is not good news, then there is NO good news. I love it. That's all.

Jeremy Adams said...

4:31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

It does say ALL, which would excuse any from being acceptable. So I guess I need to get ahold of Tom Brady and apologize! Anyone have that number?

Seriously though, I don't even have to waste the time to ask myself have I gotten rid of all those types of feelings! I know I flirt with bitterness about somethings sometimes & I am called not to! I have battled anger issues (90% of which had been sports related which made me "that guy") but is that really behind me and is it really as impossible as I think it is in my human mind to think that I could possibly never get angry? Would I really be able to turn the other cheek if struck or am I still prone to a little brawling if provoked? What about verbal brawls?

Lord the truth is I am not immune to those feelings and it is only wrapped up in you that I can escape them! Hold me even tighter Lord when an opportunity arises that Your Love, Kindness, Compassion and Forgiveness can exstinguish worldly behavior! For anyone and everyone to look at me and my life and see you and yours!

Because you wouldn't like me when I was angry,

Danna said...

WOW! This chapter is so full of instruction......I think the 1st and 2nd verse sums it up.

...I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

The rest of the chapter goes on to tell us how to do just that. We all have a purpose. Not each of us can preach or teach or prophesy. These are very valuable gifts, but the gift of friendship, encourager or administrator is just as important in God's kingdom.

We have to ensure that we are living according to his instruction or that our motives are right.

I must admit, the verse that grabbed me is verse 29:

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to the needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

I feel like this is not just speaking of gossip, I think this is speaking about anything we might say that is negative or that does not completely support our leadership (church) and the purpose for which God has called us. We often get into the habit, when someone asks us how we are doing to say, "OK." Well, come on, we are children of the most high God and we are only "OK?"

God, help me to watch what I say and how I say. Help every word that comes from me be uplifting to others and encouraging to all who hear!