Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday- 1 Timothy 4

Click here for today's reading, 1 Timothy 4.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

4:14a Do not neglect your gift

This got me thinking, how often do I let things slow me down? Like for instance a friend let me HEAR out loud today how I'm letting frustration about my job "hold me up" from what it is that Im responsible to be doing while God still has me there! Maybe that's a different way of looking at it, but in a way that's neglecting a gift. God blesses us with so many gifts. Not just spiritual gifts but privledges so often taken for granted like the fact that we are even called to "Go" at all! And in times that I'm not necessarily "going" am I neglecting a gift? Absolutely! I pray that I spend my time better accepting, preparing, and putting to use all the gifts I am privledged to have been given!

4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Ever wonder how many times you have made others stray because of hearing or seeing you and your actions? I have. It's not a comforting thought! But now there are occurances to look back on that give a completely opposite feeling. Those times that I did persevere, through faith in our Saviour, that actually pointed others to God. Wow, what an amazing difference in feelings!

And witnessing God use me for somebody else is a feeling like no other! That incredible uplifting effect of being used by God can also be considered a gift I think; and in the times I fail to point people to God, and miss an opportunity to feel that am I neglecting a gift? Absolutley!