Friday, March 14, 2008


Click here for today's passage, Galatians 5.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

5:15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

That sure seems to sum up this world pretty good! Everywhere we look we see people stepping all over each other trying to get a little but ahead. Corruption everyday on the news, scandals around every corner! School shootings, kidnappings, robberies, murder!

It makes me wonder what type of letter would Paul write to America. I mean I know all of them are for us all, but if Paul was living right now what kind of things would he say to us in "Americanians"? Something tells me there would be a whole lot of challenging and a even more disgust.

It can be awfully tempting to join in on the "biting" and "devouring" but the command to love, love and LOVE some more gives us a different agenda; one that seperates us from "chomping away at each other."

I pray that I remain apart from the destruction of this world at ALL TIMES! I know where my heart gets baited to destruct and I don't ever want to have an impact on anyone else other than the LOVE I'm called to pour out! I GET AN EXCITINGLY OVERWHELMING FEELING THAT HE HAS ME IN THE RIGHT PLACE!!!!!!!

5:25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

Knowing that I am told that my sinful nature and the Holy Spirit are at constant conflict with each other; and the deflating effect giving in to my sinful nature being way too familiar of a feeling makes verse 25 a constant prayer of mine!

Step in the name of Love,
(oooh, thats R Kelly, bad example!)