Monday, March 10, 2008


Hey friends, let's go through Galatians together this week. Click here for today's reading, Galatians 1.


Anonymous said...

I love Paul's writings a lot! I really like them because we get to see into the heart of someone who was sold out for Christ, and was living to bring Him glory.

I believe that Galatians 1:10 brings great insight into the cause for Paul's successful ministry and I pray that my life would be a reflection of this as well.

Galatians 1:10 - Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

We can do one or the other. We can either try and please God, or we can try and please men. Paul chose God. He suffered for it, but he chose God anyway. I want to do the same.

Jeremy Adams said...

In 13-14 Paul talks about how successful he was at his "old" life. Isn't it funny to think back now and realize how extremely easy it was to succeed at a worldly life! Not so much at gauranteed wealth or happiness, but just how easy it was to be what the world wants us to be. If you want to be the foulest mouth in the factory, its easily atainable! If you want to be the biggest player in the office, it's not that hard; if looks aren't a blessing you got you just lower your standards and it's pretty easy. It goes this way with a lot of our worldly struggles, it's so easy to excel in sin; but boy does it turn the stubornest of heads when that player or foul mouth jerk, or racist, or pervert, etc., etc. accepts Christ and the less popular way of life that comes with Gods calling. Just think how Saul's people responded to the news that he wasn't coming back and oh yeah, he's on the other side now! Not just on the other side, but on fire for the very cause he had set off to put an end to!

I love the story of Paul too and his conversion, and the many, many ways he shows us what being ALL ABOUT Christ is really like.

How fortunate are we that we are being blessed with growing quickly to have each other to be united in chosing God! That makes the thought of suffering for God seem a lot more inviting, (I know that sounds wierd) knowing we would NEVER have to suffer alone!

I know speaking about my life and how incredibly fragile I have been for Christ on my own in the past; it sure stirs up a NEW boldness inside me to know God is forming before my eyes an army for Him and His glory that is being sent out to fight the EASY WAY together!


(okay that may have been the corniest sign off yet!)

(duh, duh, duhnt...duh, duh, duhnt)

The Rockweigans kicked some tail all over tha MAC's glossy plastic floor again tonight to improve our record to 2-0 and the Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Late Player of the Game was Kyle Walker. So give a little "what what" up for him when you see him!

P.S. I'm interested in hiring a Free Throw coach if anyone is interested. As it stands right now I am making Shaq's stroke look pretty! (HELP!!!!!)

Waiting said...

Last verse- "And they praised God because of me." I love that. I hope the same could be said of me. And I hope that that is all that matters to me- praise for God. And I used the word "that" 3 times in the last sentence. Yikes.