Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday- Colossians 4

Click here for today's reading, Colossians 4.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

4:5 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.

When it comes to fishing I SUCK!! I throw out my line and immediately start realing it in. (I'll apologize now for any fisherman mispellings) I can't get it back to me quick enough; fish or no fish. To me its as if all I got to do was cast it out there a bunch, hey I still did something! And more times than not when I get it back to me there's all this mossy sludge all over whatever the little bait thingy I'm using is. No fish, just gook! So then I clean it off and chunk it out there again. Not really expecting to real in anything but gunk. Then there's the "nibble". Here is where I stop twirlin the little crank as if slamming on the breaks for something running out in front of me! Eeeeeeeerrrrnnnnt! (I wish I could hear all the different ways people will read that!) So I stop the bait in its tracks and just sit there stairing into this dark muddy water; as if I could see anything through that. Like I have to sit still and let the fish do all the work for me now. "Come on, hook yourself little fishy, fishy, fishy. (You have to read that with a baby voice and your lips puckered out, just so you know)
And every once in a great while I get this little sickly suicidal fish to hop on. And then I pull it up out of the water all proud like I just did something cool and hold it up by my face so I can get a good look at it. And here I begin to think to myself, "There is no way I'm touching that thing!" But I muster up the courage and finally begin to reach out for it and all of a sudden these razor sharp blades pop up out of its back and it STICKS ME! I'm straight up trippin at this point and I'm doing all I can to wiggle this little devilfish off the hook and back to its lake of killer fishy, fishy, fishies! And when it's finally back in the water I can't get to a bar of soap and a sink quick enough!

That long drawn out story may seem irrelevant but too many times in my life thats exactly how I have fumbled opportunities to be a fisher of men! And now that I'm a much more prepared and daring fisherman, thanks to the amazing power of God, I pray to be all about verse 5 siezing EVERY opportunity to shine for Him!!!!!

That story is true(er) than you know. I once kept casting a fish back out into the water over and over again until it flew off the baited hook because I didn't want to get stuck again. I know, I know, "what a loser!" I'm sorry.

I hope no one in the church works for PETA,