Saturday, March 1, 2008


Click here for Friday's reading, John 19.


Jeremy Adams said...

We've all done things we regret, but I always wonder how it felt to have been these people who actually flogged Jesus? To actualy press a crown of thorns into his head? Mocked him? Punched him? Spit on him? Joined in with the crowd, yelling "CRUCIFY HIM!"? The guys shooting craps for his threads? (I wonder what those could pull on ebay?) The guy who held the stakes? The one who drove them through? The guy who stood there and looked up at Jesus hanging there and thought, "good job guys!" Assuming they all discovered shortly after what they had done, I can't imagine the guilt they were overwhelmed with. Regardless if it had to be done, to have actually done it?

And in Luke 23:34 Jesus asks God to forgive these people! WOW! If that doesn't give us a peak into the incredible grace of God I don't know what would! And how amazing is it that God covers me and my sinful ways with that same grace? Thank you, Jesus!!!!!

Danna said...

25 - Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother..........

This verse breaks my heart. When my kids were small and they hurt themselves, I hurt too! I would put a bandaid on their boo-boo, hug and kiss them and send them on their way. They would skip off to return to their play.

When they got older and life started becoming more intense and real, it got harder. They would come home crying about something that happened at school, a fight with a friend, a boyfriend issue. For those of you with girls, you know how dramamtic and traumatizing that can be. My heart would go out to them and I would try to advise them the best I could. Thoughts of my own mom would come to my mind and I would think, "Oh I sound just like my mother!" Most of the time, they had to learn the lessons of life on their own. I hurt and cried for them that they were suffering and I could do nothing to help and make the pain go away.

My point is this - While the things I grieved with my children over were at the time very significant and huge, I never had to watch them be beaten. I never had to watch them carry a cross to the place they would be hung on it. I never had to watch them being nailed to that cross. I never had to watch people spit on them and make fun of them in such a way. I never had to watch them suffer such pain and agony. And, I pray to God that I never do!!!

How must Mary have felt? Even though she knew this was God's will, even though she knew in the end God would prevail, she was still human and most of all she was still a mother.

I cannot read this verse without an deep, deep ache in my heart!