Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday- Colossians 2

Click here for today's reading, Colossians 2.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

2:2-3 My purpoe is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Not just some of the treasures, or even most; but ALL! Some aren't found elsewhere, or with or through some one else! It's kind of crazy how when I just didn't get it (even when I thought I did) how much time was spent not just thinking but acting on impulses to "achieve" things far from treasure through other means! It seems so foolish looking back now. (not as if it was that long ago)

And I am very thankful for the repetitive ways some of the same things are drove home. This sounds so similar to other blogs in previous chapters and I don't think it's silly, but rather a blessing that the more and more something is poked at me the more and more of His energy (chapter 1) I seem to have available to struggle with! And I Prasise the Lord for that because I am very much the type of person who sometimes has to hear, or see, or experience something over and over and over before I "get it!" I don't know if that means that I'm not very intellegent? (I'm going to go with stuborn) But thank you Jesus that you will hit me over the head as many times as needed!! And trust me I've been "Jesus Jabbed" so many times I must have a spiritual version of Muhammad Ali Syndrome! (Some chics may not get that!)

I'm FINALLY off the ropes and out of the corner though,