Saturday, March 1, 2008


Click here for today's reading, John 20.


Jeremy Adams said...

When we reflect on Jesus from birth to resurection isn't it amazing to think that each and every one of us can feel both guilt and overjoyment! (if that's not a word I've got dibbs on the copyright) I mean He had to come into this world because He loved us too much to let us remain bound to it; and He had to pay a price we couldn't imagine paying so that we wouldn't have to face a fate we couldn't escape on our own. What else could possibly break us and restore us like what Jesus did for us?

Certainly not a statue of a fat bald guy sitting Indian style! Certainly not an illiterate, jealous, evil wanna-be-prophet demanding the slaughter of anyone who opposes his made up religion!

Certainly not ANYTHING else this world throws at us as a way to a God!

How blessed are we to have been born into a place that, although seems to be falling apart at the seam; we still have been been, somehow, exposed to the TRUTH! And how incredible does it feel to be in a place where it actually feels like Jesus is saying to us exactly what He told His disciples in 20:21
"Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."

I'm nowhere near as involved with all of you like I hope to grow to be over the coming years, but I love the feeling of knowing that we are about what He is leading us to be about! Loving each other, in His name, and reaching everywhere He leads us, in His name! That's a feeling that leaves me no other option but to be excited!

In 20:24-29 we are told of Thomas and his doubt. I find myself wondering what the week was like that the other disciples had been given the Holy Spirit and Thomas was skeptical? I mean did he follow them around with his arms folded and rolling his eyes whenever they brought it up, which I imagine was at the top of the list of things to talk about that week?

That confrontation with Jesus a week later is one I pray for many of my friends and family to be blessed with. That, "do you believe me now" experience that had to of smacked Thomas across the face! Sometimes we might not understand whatever that form of a smack is all about, but boy do we learn to appreciate it later on!

I pray that as I grow the Lord works on the hearts of my doubting friends and family members (or anyone else I may come in contact with) and then uses me or whatever needed to give them a "can you hear Him now?" experience!

With a big loving, handful of a pinch on the cheek like that one Aunt we all have or have had,

Danna said...
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Danna said...

11 - ....Mary stood outside the tomb crying.....

My grandpa died in November 2006 and my grandma died in December 2006. When I go to Oklahoma to their grave, it brings me some comfort. I know that might sound morbid, but they were a huge part of my life. We always lived close and I bet spent time together every week! When I would get something new, a job or a car, I would go to my grandpa and he would say, "Girlbaby, I sure am proud of you." When Walter bought me my new car a few weeks ago, that was the first thing I thought of, grandpa would be so proud. So, when I go to "visit" them, I feel very comforted. My grandpa was the wisest man ever and I know he was perfect. My grandma was one of my best friends. I could talk to her about anything. (I was the oldest granddaughter).

My point is this - I could not get this verse off my mind. Mary went to the tomb/grave to mourn for her Lord. She was seeking comfort in the last place she "saw" him. How must she have felt when she saw that the tomb was opened and he was not there? I know how I would feel if I went to the Tishamingo Cemetery and my grandparents graves were opened and they were not there. Mary did not think about all the things Jesus told her, that He would come again. All she knew was that he was gone.

This verse tells me we have to rest in the fact that even though our loved ones are gone, we will see them again. We will live eternally and get to run the streets of heaven with them. Most of all, we will get to worship with them again at the feet of Jesus!