Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday- Philippians 2

Click here for today's reading, Philippians 2.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

2:4 Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

I've never really considered myself to be a self-involved person, or a selfish person. For some reason, and I hope and pray it hasn't already been obvious to any of you, I sometimes find myself thinking of the next thing that "I'M" going to say while somebody is talking to me. I mean sometimes to the point of barely listening, if at all, to what they are saying. And other times I catch myself cutting someone off to add my "two cents" (more like two dollars) Or derailing their story to share a similar story of "MINE". I will even drift off into thought sometimes about what "I" have to do right in the middle of someone saying something to me. And the wierd part is I know I do it. I'll have 15-20 minute conversations with friends sometimes and when we go our seperate ways I think to myself, "did I even let them talk?"

So I think it's safe to say that I need to pray for a "pause button!" A "shut-up and listen button," I need to be much more intigued about others and not so quick to add, add, add to everything. I don't consider myself to be rude but deffinetly a little unfocussed and spacey at times.(do those mean the same thing?) I pray that I would do a much, much better job of listening with a pair of servants ears!

So accept my apologies any who already have felt a little "stepped on",