Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday- Colossians 1

Click here for Sunday's reading, Colossians 1.

1 comment:

Jeremy Adams said...

1:29 To this I labor, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.

WOW! The difference in struggling with all MY energy and struggling with all HIS energy is where the "so powerfully works in me" part may sometimes vary. It's a very tempting habit to struggle with my energy. But the momments where God is obviously using me is where the struggle is fought with His energy. And the difference is SO OBVIOUS even when I'm doing it. With His energy there is a different kind of confidence that knows it will triumph, with my struggling alone quickly brings on fatigue and way too often defeat.

Lord teach me to ALWAYS struggle with your energy and not my own. Even in times where I may not realize it until it's already in the works, just stop me in my tracks and bring me to my knees. I have struggled alone enough and no longer wish to waste time with MY adgenda! By your Spirit I don't have to struggle anymore on my own; so it's time I don't!

And I could totally use some of His energy on the basketball court too, mine just doesn't get the job done anymore!!!!!!!

Jeremy "The Brickmasta" Adams